“The KD Quesadillas event was held to raise money for one of our philanthropies, Prevent Child Abuse America. We raised over $5,600 from wristband sales for the event! 80% of the funds that we raise stay with a local branch of PCAA, the Kansas Children's Service League, while the other 20% goes directly to Prevent Child Abuse America. With this money, these two amazing organizations are able to provide resources and education to families in need, and empower parents and youth in the fight against child abuse. 

Event Highlights: It was super humbling and incredible to see the support from so many individuals both in and out of the Greek community come together to raise money for such a deserving cause. We really appreciate everyone that took time out of their day to come give support to an organization that means so much to us and many others! I think everyone had a fun night, and the quesadillas were delicious!”

-Cassidy Hild, Kappa Delta Vice President of Community Serivce


A HUGE congrats to Kappa Delta for a successful fall philanthropy! We are so proud to have these wonderful women in our community!

Thanks for tuning in! Have a great week!